When Mommy decided that we could go to the DOG BEACH on Coronado Island, we hopped in the car with Daddy and Mommy and off we went! Casper was given a bone, which he thought was lucky... but he didn't know where we were going! Casper is all about his stomach. Which is why he looks like a fuzzy beach ball.
Here we are in the car, speeding down the highway toward Dogs, Dogs, and more Dogs. It's a pretty long drive, and I'm a nervous car rider. I pace, and try to figure out how to open the windows, and attempt putting my paws on the center armrest to get the people's attention. Mommy just says, "Yasha, sit. Yasha, SIT. YASHA sit. YASHA SIT." Over and over. Sure, I heard her, but I just can't keep my bottom on the seat. Bear lays down and lets me crawl over him, paw him, lick his ears, and try to get him moving too.
Then... the car stopped... the leashes snapped on... the door opened......

Bear just went nuts. He would run over to another dog, or a pack of dogs, and just get right into the middle. And then they would run!
(Edit from Yasha: I was playing around with the blog, rearranging posts, and I accidentally deleted the comments from my friends!! Sorry guys! I will have to lick your faces when we talk again!)