The Brownie mold is successful, and here are the clinkies to prove it... some of the first Brownies are out of the kiln and looking good! Nappe sold immediately, and is going to live in the Pacific Northwest for a while. Kaibito is at auction right now, the auction ends Monday, Feb. 8th, so go and visit him at MyAuctionBarn.
It's incredible how much detail this little guy has, with his really deep hair whorls and fuzzy fuzzy-wozzieness. His little eyes are peeking out from under his donkey bangs, and his little hooves are twinkling in a caper. He's a joy to paint!
I've been naming them after geological formations and Grand Canyon locations, the geological formations came from a search for "brownies, imps, pixies" which lead to a website with the names of all of the Little Folk in every language. One name caught my eye, it was Norwegian for a water feature, and another was some sort of geological formation. They seemed to be apt, and the geological names lead me to the Grand Canyon, which is of course one of the most interesting of geological artifacts. Since a donkey was found on Bright Angel Trail in the Grand Canyon, abandoned by the miner who must have perished in the Canyon... the donkey was later named "Brighty", as you probably know... the Grand Canyon names seemed to suit. So, here are the first of the Brownies and their names. There will eventually be a page on the Pour Horse site with all of the glazed Brownies. (clicking on these photos will give you bigger ones)

There will be many more Brownies later, but now that these are done, I have to get back to the LAST EIGHT OTTOS!!!! WHOO HOO!!! And a backlog of customs that need to be finished. Have to get caught up a bit before I can feel good about playing with Brownies again, so look for them in the future!
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